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Empower Your Workplace Wellbeing

Therapeutic Support for Employee Mental Health

Meet Acerbis Therapy

Specialists in Workplace Mental Wellbeing

Acerbis Therapy is dedicated to providing comprehensive support for mental wellbeing in the workplace.  Our integrative therapists are committed to fostering a motivated and productive work environment by ensuring the mental wellness of employees. We strive to revolutionise workplace mental health by offering holistic and personalised services.

Endless Journey

Our Focus Areas

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Mindfulness in the Workplace

Work-Life Balance Strategies

Customised Employee Support Programs

Prioritise your employees' mental health and well-being. Begin the journey towards a more supportive work environment today.

“Results of research suggest that counselling is generally effective in alleviating psychological problems, has a significant impact on sickness absence, and has a moderate effect with attitudes to work.”

- John McLeod, The effectiveness of Workplace Counselling: A systematic review, 2010

“Positive psychology looks at what is right with people, focuses on when people are at their best, and attends to individual and group flourishing.”

- Robert Biswas- Diener, Practicing Positive Psychology Coaching: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention, 2010

“Our bodies and minds are overworked by more than work. They are subject to a culture that relates to every moment as an opportunity to produce or consume.”

- Josh Cohen PhD, Not Working, Why We Have to Stop, 2019

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